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   2 ''"STAR RATING 
   2  1987 S.A.E.C.
   2     PRICE: 
   1 ~<<|`~ff~<~~
   1 up to date
   1 to you to find out what's going on.
   1 the Hulk and speak to Strange.  He will tell you to remember    your worst nightmare. Cary on   speaking to him until he disapp-ears and leaves behind a gem.
   1 t$="TOWER<Once you have defeated the <hydrophobes, go W-R-R-R to the<base of the Tower. Now climb UP<and then head Rimwards to find<the 'Potent Voyager'. < <It is now just a case of <waiting for everything to fall<(no pun intended!) into place.<First Tethis and the Luggage <will arrive and then Twoflower <and Tethis will open the hatch <of the ship and they will all<fall in.":
   1 t$="TERRORS of TRANTOSS< <Bird had intended to complete<the tips for this in this issue<but as there is still quite a<lot of ground to cover, he has<decided to wait until next <month. However if you cannot <wait until then, just drop him<an S.A.E. and he will send you<a copy by return of post. He is<also willing to let you have a<copy of a map, prepared by Andy<MacGregor.< <Sorry about the delay!!":
   1 t$="STOUT WOODEN BOAT<WAIT until Tethis takes you to<his Island.< <ISLAND<OPEN DOOR of shack and go IN.<Once inside EXAM DEBRIS to find<the Scimitar and then either go<for a wander around the Island<or else just WAIT until Tethis<returns. When he does, WAIT for<the bells to ring and when you<are told the message, go OUT to<find the skimmer. Once on board<just WAIT until you arrive on<Krull.":
   1 t$="SMALL PLATFORM (cont)<When in battle, just ATTACK LIO<and continue to do so until a<dragon flies past beneath you <and then REMOVE BOOTS to land<on its back.< <RELEASE TWOFLOWER<In order to free Twoflower, go<DOWN from the end of the dark<passage and then H to the cell.<Now UNBOLT DOOR - OPEN DOOR -IN<to meet Twoflower. Now go OUT &<then H to the plain rock wall.<WAIT until Twoflower makes a<suggestion and then IMAGINE <DOOR. Now go IN to escape from<the guards!.":
   1 t$="LIFEBOAT<When the pirate has gone <'walkies', go to the lifeboat<and LAUNCH BOAT (don't forget <the bucket!) and then it is <just a case of BAIL BOAT - WAIT<- BAIL BOAT - WAIT until you <see a small frog swimming by <the side of the boat.(this will<not be displayed as an 'object'<but it is included as part of <the 'location description', so <read them all carefully!)<Now TAKE FROG and continue to<BAIL BOAT - WAIT - BAIL BOAT - <WAIT until you wake up on the <'Stout Wooden Boat'.":
   1 t$="KRULL<WAIT, in the room with the <'elaborately carved door',until<both Garharta and Lady L have<made an appearance and then <when Garharta returns, ATTACK<GARHARTA as soon as the frog<bites him. Now OPEN DOOR and go<W to enter the 'featureless<corridor'.< <CORRIDOR<OPEN WHITE door and go<W to meet the Chelonauts. Now<ATTACK CHELONAUTS before TAKE<SPACESUIT - WEAR SPACESUIT. Now<head T - H - W and when you <meet the hydrophobes, ATTACK<HYDROPHOBES.":
   1 t$="If you want any help or< < advice, or just want to tell< < BIRD of your Top 3 adventures< <write to ..... < <The BIRD & the BALROG< <c/o 26 Spotland Tops< <Cutgate< <Rochdale< <Lancashire OL12 7NX":
   1 t$="ESCAPE (cont)<Once through the door, go H-H-<U-U-H to meet Greicha the 1st,<and then R - R to meet Liessa.<When she leaves, go DOWN & then<IMAGINE DRAGON. When Twoflowers<Dragon arrives, CLIMB DRAGON &<then WAIT and continue to WAIT<until you land in the Sea. WAIT<a bit longer and the luggage<should arrive and part 3 will<have been completed!< < < Bird fails to see the <significance of Greicha the 1st<or Liessa!":
   1 t$="COLOUR of MAGIC< <Part 3<CAMPFIRE<When the 3 dragons arrive, go H<until you enter the trees and<then PULL KRING before going R.<Now ATTACK SDRA and then CLIMB<DRAGON to be transported to the<small platform inside the <'upside-down' mountain.< <SMALL PLATFORM<When challenged, TAKE BOOTS -<WEAR BOOTS - DRINK WATER - EAT<BISCUITS before going H onto <the rings.":
   1 t$="COLOUR OF MAGIC< <Comments<Not one of McNeill's better<efforts, as you never really <feel as if you are in control.<Most of the time you are just a<'bystander' as McNeill and the<command 'WAIT' do their thing!< <If you type FERGUS in part 2 <not a lot happens, but try it<in Part 3! Also try IMAGINE <COLIN - IMAGINE FERGUS - <IMAGINE JUDITH or IMAGINE TERRY":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT< <There are a number of 'good'<budget adventures around at the<moment.<Recommended are :-<A SERF's TALE<and<KOBYASHI NARU< <The first is a 'rewrite' of<Colossal Caves but very well <done and with some nice twists.<The other is an 'Icon-driven'<adventure. However do not let<that put you off, as it hangs <together very well and handles<nicely.":
   1 t$="BIRD CHAT (cont)< <Bird is still heavily engrossed<with 'MASTERS of the UNIVERSE'<and whilst it deals with a <subject that many may regard as<'childish', it is well written<with some well drawn graphics. <All in all, an entertaining<little game and what more could<you ask for.<Some tips should be following<soon, if I can drag Bird away<from it long enough to write <them down. ":
   1 t$="<Part 4< <PIRATE SHIP<On board this you need to use<FORWARD, AFT,PORT & STARBOARD <to move around. So at the start<go F and then OPEN TRAP before<going DOWN. Once in the hold <collect 3 bottles of rum and a<bucket before going back on <deck.< <DIRTY GREAT PIRATE<From the trapdoor go A - S to <meet him. Now drop a bottle in <each of the 3 locations forward<of here and the pirate should <follow them into the sea.":
   1 t$="< < < < < BYE !< < < <Press any key to read again.< < < < <     The BIRD & the BALROG":
   1 t$="***BIRD'S TOP FIVE***< < <1.KAYLETH< <2.TERRORS of TRANTOSS< <3.MASTERS of the UNIVERSE< <4.TWICE SHY< <5.AN EVERYDAY TALE OF A SEEKER <  OF GOLD.< < < <Send in your votes and see if<your fave will enter the chart.":
   1 steel security door. The rocket launcher will make short work ofthat, then you can go N and KILLVINCETTI.
   1 remarkably like a bomb! If you  don't believe me, try starting  the engine, but take my advice, kid, save the game first!
   1 outlet so plug it with the wax. Now bite your lip to remain as
   1 of the steps leading down to thesubway, and next to you is a    paper stand. You'll need some   change for the subway, so BUY a PAPER. (You need the paper, too,later.) Don't forget to GET yourCHANGE! Go DOWN to the subway
   1 o,o;"        press any key           "
   1 money to give him, but if you   GIVE PAPER he says it will make
   1 l,c;t$(f):
   1 gems you find. Go south into thechief examiner's office and     examine his desk to find gem 5. Go door back to the Fuzzy area. Keep going south until you come to a dome with a gem in a field.
   1 code      
   1 can't see but you can still     move. So go south, north, go    crack. Ant-man will now take    control of the ants and free    himself.
   1 but it appears to have been     burnt down. Turn WEST and you   crash the car, the only exit is to walk WEST. So, where to now?
   1 bird      .
   1 ants have a nasty habit of kill-ing you, so go back to the Fuzzyarea.
   1 and to do that you will require the use of an ancient manuscriptcalled the Book of the Dead.
   1 and INSERT COIN then GET TICKET.Go SOUTH to the platform and GO DOOR to get into the train. You don't want to get off at Green- wich Village or the Bronx -     Chinatown is the third stop.
   1 a treat. I could go on and on   about the multitude of problems in this game but I'm not going  to. Suffice it to say that this adventure will keep your grey   cells working overtime!
   1 a good sheet and offers you the remainder of his meths. DRINK   METHS (Yuk!) or your alcohol    dependancy will kill you before you have time to finish the     game.
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 You will notice a funny thing when you goback WEST to 59th    Street - there is still a man   standing in a shady alleyway to the east!
   1 You will need to hold your    nose and plug your ears with thewax and go to the field with    small holes. Once there close   your eyes and get the ants. You
   1 You will have to keep return- ing to the field with holes manytimes to do the following and,  return to the Fuzzy area:-
   1 You now find yourself in a    field so take gem 2 and lift thedome to reveal gem 3. Now dig   and go hole and keep digging    until you find gem 4.
   1 You may think that this is theend of the game, but no! By     firing the rocket you have      started a fire, so now you must escape or die.
   1 You leave by the North exit   and go East at the end of the   alley. Here you must remember   who and where you are - you     don't call a taxi, you HAIL CAB and direct the driver to 59th
   1 You ANSWER the PHONE and hear Santino, your boss's adviser,   tell you that you are suspected of being a traitor, and the bosswants to see you, in Mario's    Cafe...NOW!
   1 With this key, GO LIFT, then  PRESS UP and go to the long     corridor. UNLOCK DOOR, then OPENDOOR and you will find a pass-  port belonging to Lou Ferrelo.
   1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden   cage?
   1 WEST out of the alley then    SOUTH takes you outside a build-ing which is your goal. In the  office you find a guard, KILL   the GUARD then go W,W,S, to the workers' rest room.
   1 To start, bite your lip and   get the first gem plus the fan. Go east and press the button,   bite your lip and go out.
   1 This leads to you being thrownout of paradise and forced to   live as a mortal.
   1 This is a nicely produced     adventure. It is Quilled and hassome split screen graphics and  there is a useful RAM SAVE/LOAD.I look forward to seeing their  next release in a few months    time.
   1 This gets rid of the opposit- ion and you will spot a shiny   dollar on the floor.
   1 There's a belligerant worker  here but who cares? KILL the    WORKER then go W,U,N, to a giant
   1 There are two parts to this   game. Part 2 is the FINAL EFFECTand can only be accessed with a code given on completion of Part1.
   1 There are a number of problemsto be solved such as when you   shear a sheep and wash the dirtyfleece you find it becomes too  heavy to carry! In order to dry it you will have to do a spot ofbody-building, catapult firing  and praying, all in the first   few locations, phew!
   1 The winner, A Allerdyce of      GLASGOW won SILICON DREAMS.
   1 The split screen graphics are reasonable enough but there are times when the colour of the    screen and ink can make it diff-icult to read the text. But     moans aside, this is a great    adventure, buy it now!
   1 The solution to Competition 8   was 
   1 The object of this game is to   find and store 17 gems includingone Bio-gem.
   1 The main part of the screen   contains the icons which enable you to quit the game, look at   your score, move around, examineobjects and manipulate them.    They are easy enough to use -   just press any key to move a boxaround and press ENTER when you reach the required icon.
   1 The Colour of Magic
   1 Take this back to the Fuzzy   area and drop it. All you need  to do now is get the Bio-gem anddrop that in the Fuzzy area too.
   1 Take gem 14 plus the wax and  return to the Fuzzy area. Drop  the gems and go back to the     field outside the first dome (nomesh on its side).
   1 TEXT      Z
   1 Street where there is a man     standing in a shady alleyway to the east. Go and KILL this MAN  (life is cheap in this game!)   then SEARCH the BODY to find a  bunch of car keys.
   1 Still, never mind that, go S, W, to find a car blocking the   alley. The driver's door is openbut take care! You are a gangs- ter in a vicious world so your  suspicious mind prompte you to
   1 Simple enough, except when youcome to the Examine icon - it isa laborious process if you have several objects to examine or ifyou want to find out what's in alocation.
   1 SHOW PASSPORT. You will be      offered a revolver and asked if you want a bullet proofed vest  as well. Answer YES and get bothitems, and WEAR VEST. You may   drop the passport as it has     served its purpose.
   1 Return to reception, where youmay drop the key, then go NORTH until you come to a sort of     jewellery shop.
   1 Remember nightmare, go dome,  remember nightmare and go west  and pull ring. Return to the    Fuzzy area and remember your    nightmare again. Go north and   eat the natter energy egg.
   1 Remember nightmare and examinethe room to reveal scratch markson the wall. Remember nightmare yet again and scratch the wall.
   1 REMOVE VEST and JUMP - you're lucky, kid. You landed on the   back of a passing lorry, and youfinish the game as Don Capolla'sright hand man.
   1 Proceed now S,W,W,W, to a darkalley where you will find a     junky with a lit petrol bomb.   KILL the JUNKY and GET the BOMB.
   1 Once your time is up you have to load in the last piece of    code on the tape if you want to try again. I accidentally press-ed BREAK at this point and the  game crashed - I didn't reload.
   1 OPEN the TRUNK (or boot) of the car. Good job you did - there's a strange device which looks
   1 OPEN the TOOL box and GET the CROWBAR and go N back to the    crates. OPEN the CRATE and GET  ROCKET. Now go W to the end of  the warehouse.
   1 ODDS + ENDS
   1 Now you are given another     chance and a mission - you have to kill Frankie Vincetti, who   has an office on 59th Street.
   1 NOT BAD    
   1 N,F;"CREDITS ":
   1 Membership is free. Write for   full details now.
   1 Make sure you don't miss an     issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these  special prices.
   1 Later on you will need a syr- inge from the embalmer's shop   and some pickled brains would go
   1 LOADER    
   1 Just type score to finish the   game. Marvellous!
   1 In return he leaves you some-   thing, so open your eyes to findgem 16.
   1 In answer to the old man's    questions, say LOU FERRELO, then
   1 If you would like to win the    adventure of your choice then   take a look at the scrambled    letters on the next page. All   you have to do is unscramble    them to reveal the titles of    three adventures.
   1 If you keep biting your lip   you will see an astral project- ion of Dr Strange, and he will  point at the baseboard. If you  examine it you will see a gas
   1 If you examine the dome you   will see a mesh on its side. Youmust wave the fan at the mesh tovanquish the bees inside.
   1 Here we are folks with yet      another free competition.
   1 Having found where the island of Atlantis is with the help of a satellite you fly there and   the game begins when you land ona beach.
   1 Go up and east into the Fuzzy area where you must drop all the
   1 Go crack to a cavern where you  will find gem 15. You will also see Ultron and Ant-man who needsyour help to free himself- to dothis you need to bring the ants to him.
   1 Go crack and you will find    yourself back in thefirst dome. Head back to the Fuzzy area and prepare to meet the ants again.
   1 Go UP the steps and S,E, into an alley where you will find a  tramp curled up in a corner.    Slight change of character here,don't kill this one! You have no
   1 Go S,S,W, and you are looking out of a window. The obvious    thing to do is JUMP THROUGH     WINDOW but you find that you arejust too FAT to get through it!
   1 Go NORTH from your room until you find a lift, then PRESS the
   1 Go E,N, to a bar run by the   rival gang, with thegang boss   himself, Lou Ferrelo, standing  there with armed guards around  him. Only one move here - THROW BOMB!
   1 Get gem 6, lift the dome and  get gem 7. Dig and go hole and  keep digging until you get gem 8then go up.
   1 GOOD                                          
   1 GET this COIN then go SOUTH to  8th Street. E,N,N, will take youinto Mario's Bar where your bossDon Capolla is waiting for you.
   1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order.
   1 Finished with an adventure?
   1 Dragonslayer
   1 Don't let it gather dust on a   shelf!
   1 Did you see, as you passed    Vincetti's old office that therewas a notice in the window? I'llgive you a tip, kid - the noticesaid that Vincetti has moved to Chinatown.
   1 DOWN button and you will find   yourself at a reception desk on which there is a bell.
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness?
   1 CODE      
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: THE ESSENTIAL MYTH              54 CHURCH STREET                TEWKESBURY                      GLOS                            GL20 5RZ"
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: HAWK ADVENTURING                29 HOLLOWGATE                   BARNBURGH                       SOUTH YORKSHIRE                 DN5 7BH"
   1 C$="ON THE HULK"
   1 C$="Just what it says!"
   1 C$="Hints for Jason                 and the Fleece                  and Snowball."
   1 C$="Guide to solving                Final Mission."
   1 C$="An introduction                 to PBM.."
   1 C$="An exciting adventure           with Dr Goo!"
   1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT":
   1 C$="  If you would like to help       others via the helpline then    drop us a line stating which    adventures you have completed."
   1 C$="  Are you having problems with    an adventure? HELPLINE is a     free service which could save   you from death, destruction,    and much worse (if such a       thing is possible)."     
   1 C$="  All you have to do is write     to us with your problem and     we will do our best to help     you. Please include a S.A.E.    with your letter."
   1 Best of luck with your new venture!
   1 Backnumbers and single issues   cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue.
   1 At the start of this game, you  are informed that you are a hit man for Don Capolla. There is a gang war in progress and you    have found out that a ""contract""has been taken out on you. You  have been shacked up in your    hotel room for days, afraid to  go out, when...the phone rings.
   1 Anyway, you are now at the top
   1 A bit of exploring should soon  find you in the city but watch  out, if you haven't got an      identity tag you will be thrown out by one of the robots who,   along with computers, run the   city.
   1 ;"This month we conclude ....     '
   1 ;"The BIRD & The BALROG"
   1 ;"Surely '
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM 
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY":
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 12 
   1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES"        
   1 ;"NUMBER 10
   1 ;"MAY 1987"
   1 ;"LOADING"
   1 ;"IS LOADING":
   1 ;"EDITOR William Young":
   1 ;"3      6      12"
   1 ;"           June  Rowe":
   1 8p``<~ff<f~<<~F~>
   1 ............
   1 , let alone need any tips for it.";
   1 *         I
   1 ''"Station 9 Zero has a quite a    nice scenario. World governmentsare under threat from unknown   aliens and Station 9 Zero has toproduce weapon systems to defendEarth's space stations."
   1 ''"In this adventure you take the  role of Kteth, a falcon-headed  godling. Life is well until yourfather murders the chief god."
   1 ''"If you would like any of these  maps just drop us a line."
   1 '"three sections. The top section tells you where you are on the  station. There is also a clock. You have 30 minutes to solve theadventure although it is really 15 minutes!"
   1 '"menu and a window appears on thescreen showing which directions you can take. You can select a  direction or just return to the main menu."
   1 '"if you win of course!). The     closing date for entries is the 15th JUNE 1987."
   1 '"You won't get far in this game  without money and CASH is the   command to use to find out how  much you have although you won'tfind this command on the inlay."
   1 '"U.K.        `5.00  `10.00 `18.00"
   1 '"The city in this adventure is   Atlantis and the object of the  game is to get your hands on theSea God Neptune's Trident."
   1 '"The Dragonslayer  Andy MacGregor":
   1 '"Overseas    `10.00 `18.00 `36.00"
   1 '"Once you've done that send your answer to us at S.A.E.C. along  with the name of the adventure  you would like to receive (only"
   1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our     books than you will find in yourlocal computer store.
   1 '"Europe      `7.50  `12.00 `24.00"
   1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure."
   1 '"   The Balrog   Richard Batey":
   1 '"   TITLE: 
   1 '"       TITLE: 
   1 '"         Jason Roseaman":
   1 '"         
   1 ' help (Ref. Issue 11) ...I mean, do you even remember 
   1 ' can come  up with a bit more '
   1 '        Bird is sad to see that Alex M. is no longer with us, he may    have been a moaning old prat,   but anyone who likes  Fergus    McNeill can't be all bad. '
   1 "These are only some of the      questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure."
   1 "Pressing one of three buttons   will take you to another part ofthe city. What slightly annoyed me about this was when you enterPRESS BUTTON you are asked whichcolour, but the text is of no   help here, neither is EXAMINE   BUTTON, the only way to find thecolours is to type HELP!"
   1 "  This will take you to a sub   menu. E.g. select the movement"
   1 "  This is an icon driven advent-ure. The screen is divided into"
   1 "  This is a two part adventure  written with the GAC and in my  opinion is much superior to the adventures released so far by   Incentive."
   1 "  The city itself is divided    into various sections and it is possible to move from section tosection by means of a telebooth."
   1 "  Being GAC'ed it caters for    multiple commands which at timesare necessary e.g. Throw fleece over the cliff or Give drink to the woman."
   1  Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT@ 
   1  The Hammer of Grimmold":
   1  The Extricator":
   1  TWICE SHY                     
   1  Seabase Delta":
   1  Robin of Sherwood":
   1  Revisited":
   1  REBEL PLANET                  
   1  Mafia Contract (Part 1)":
   1  Madcap Manor":
   1  Heavy on the Magick":
   1  Hampstead":
   1  Golden Apple":
   1  Bored of the Rings":
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1   Unfortunately Station 9 has   itself been attacked and it's up
   1   There are two parts to the    game. Part 1 is The Terminal    which is a computer database    containing information about    Station 9 Zero. The idea here isto find a way into the database to find vital information. I    haven't been able to enter the  database but I have found out   that if you press CAPS SHIFT andBREAK the program will crash.
   1   The object of the game is to  return to the land of the gods
   1   The next move is obvious, and you are confronted by a drunken slob who calls himself the      manager. He asks you rudely whatyou want. ASK FOR KEY, then typein 9.
   1   The blue wire is the operativeone - once you have CUT the BLUEwire you can safely GO DOOR,    INSERT KEYS and START CAR. E,S, takes you to Vincetti's office,
   1   Part 2 is The Adventure. This takes place aboard Station 9    Zero where the crew have been   exterminated. You have to stop  the aliens and return to Earth.
   1   Next comes a small window     where from time to time messagesare displayed.
   1   Lift dome and get gem 10. Dig,go hole and dig until you find  gem 11, then up, and go dome.   You will find gem 12 in the     tunnel and gem 13 in the dome   itself.
   1   Go dome and get the wax then  return to the Fuzzy area to     deposit your gems. Now go south until you come to a field filledwith tiny holes. Get gem 9 but  you can't remain here as the
   1   As he has two men blocking    both doors this looks a bit     dodgy, but act cool, man! Just  SAY HELLO, then get yourself    back into Don Capolla's good    books by answering LOU FERRELO.
   1      SPECTRUM   ADVENTURE     
   1        EXCHANGE    CLUB       
   1         Z 
   1         Jd
   1               Fn
   1               "
   1                                "
   1                                 Bp
   1                                     FORMAT: 
   1                                       FORMAT: 